cloud accounting -- When and how to make the move

Cloud Accounting — When and How to Make the Move

The recent Covid-19 pandemic has set forth a new trend for corporates and enterprises i.e. to 'work from home'. With lockdown and social distancing rules being practiced everywhere, adopting cloud accounting solutions for your business is the wisest move you can make now.


In simple English, cloud accounting is the practice of hosting your files or applications on the internet instead of a local PC and they can be accessed from any device on the internet. This idea of remote access enables you to work on a system regardless of your location and device.


Owing to the current pandemic, making the move to cloud accounting has become the necessity of the hour. With people having a genuine risk and fear of infections while at the same time the discovery of vaccination being a seemingly distant goal, the 'work from home' culture is gaining prominence. Without the ability of a remote workforce outside of the office as well as efficient cloud accounting solutions, businesses may succumb to operational vulnerabilities as the present one.

Cloud accounting has numerous benefits and making the move now is an intelligent decision. With a cloud accounting tool you can:

  • Access your accounts anywhere:  Remote access sets you independent of a central office-based PC. You have 24X7 access to your applications irrespective of your location and the device. This minimizes business disruption in times of crisis and uncertainties.


  • Get live feeds:  Unlike the traditional accounting system, you get access to the real-time reporting of your business data that are instant and up to date. You no longer have to check with your data history when making plans for the future. This helps in evolving better strategies as well as making timely and prompt decisions.

  • Simplify tax compliance: Cloud accounting simplifies tax by bringing you accurate information on a specific tax.


  • Share date securely:  Sharing files on a cloud account with your client is safe and secured by encryption. There is no need to send constant emails back and forth. Information is shared in real-time. This helps for better technical support to your client and thus, helps to form a better client relationship.


  • Better team collaboration: When the important tasks are centralized and a team works on a file simultaneously, better communication amongst the workers is bound to follow. This eventually leads to better collaboration as it brings the entire team together.



To understand how to make the choice for a cloud accounting software that suits best to your business, you first need to understand key things about your business like: 

  • How big is your business?
  • How many transactions you do per month?
  • Who approves payments in your organization?
  • Who will have access to the software?

When you are in an absolute understanding of these important points, you should go ahead to make the move to an efficient cloud accounting tool. When choosing the one that suits best to your needs, always consider:

  • Security : This is foremost and paramount. Your provider's reputation, history, and clients are crucial details you should look for. One cannot compromise on quality here.


  • Budget : Cloud accounting software comes with functionalities that get smart while getting expensive. You got to consider your requirements as well as range.


  • Flexibility : Every business grows over time. Your software must be flexible enough to be able to scale with your growing business.


  • Customer Support: In an emergency, how responsive your service provider's customer support staff is, directly reflects the quality and reliability of your provider.



 In times of crisis like the ongoing coronavirus, transitioning your business to the cloud accounting acts as a panacea and ensures that your business has a smooth sail even in times of uncertainty. It may also prove to be beneficial for your business in times ahead as well as in the distant future.


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